Todos los veranos siguen ahí al pie de la carretera como si nada.
A mi me parecen sitios tristes, no quiero ni pensar en las historias terribles que hay dentro. 
Es la derrota más evidente de nuestra sociedad.
Me gusta fotografiarlos de día para que se vea bien su decadencia, sus grietas y su falso glamour.
Pero no nos engañemos, aunque parezcan decadentes, la prostitución en España va viento en popa. Si investigáis un poco os costará encontrar datos fiables y números. Todos miran hacia otro lado. Mi propia estadística es que si todas las semanas me dejan en el parabrisas del coche un tarjeta de un piso clandestino y un panfleto de Tecnocasa la cosa es grave.

Every summer, they remain there by the roadside as if nothing happened.
To me, they appear to be somber places, and I don't even want to think about the terrible stories that lie within. It's the most glaring defeat of our society.
I enjoy photographing them during the day to clearly showcase their decline, their cracks, and their false glamour.
But let's not deceive ourselves; even though they may seem decadent, prostitution in Spain is thriving. If you dig a bit, you'll find it difficult to come across reliable data and figures. Everyone looks the other way. My personal observation is that if every week I find a card for a clandestine apartment and a pamphlet from Tecnocasa on my car windshield, things are dire.

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